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Ranking research: Using social bookmarking tools to extract relevance

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TechAndComputer (May 5, 2011) — A new approach to evaluating research papers exploits social bookmarking tools to extract relevance. Details are reported in the latest issue of the International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions.

Social bookmarking systems are almost indispensible. Very few of us do not use at least one system whether it's Delicious, Connotea,, Reddit or any of countless others. For Academics and...

TechAndComputer (May 5, 2011) — A new approach to evaluating research papers exploits social bookmarking tools to extract relevance. Details are reported in the latest issue of the International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions.

Social bookmarking systems are almost...

Media multitasking is really multi-distracting

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TechAndComputer (May 2, 2011) — Multitaskers who think they can successfully divide their attention between the program on their television set and the information on their computer screen proved to be driven to distraction by the two devices, according to a new study of media multitasking by Boston College researchers.

Placed in a room containing a television and a computer and given a half hour to use either device, people on average switched...

TechAndComputer (May 2, 2011) —...

People power: Social media can alter research priorities

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TechAndComputer (Apr. 27, 2011) — Widespread demands in Canada for clinical trials for a controversial treatment for multiple sclerosis show the growing power of the Internet and social media to influence research priorities, according to a paper published April 27 in Nature.

Paulo Zamboni, an Italian surgeon, suggested in 2008 that MS was not an autoimmune disease but rather a vascular disease caused by blockages in the brain. He proposed...

TechAndComputer (Apr. 27, 2011) — Widespread...

Healthy distance for physicians online: Researchers recommend 'dual citizenship' on social media

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TechAndComputer (Apr. 18, 2011) — With ubiquitous social media sites like Facebook and Twitter blurring private and professional lines, there is an increasing need for physicians to create a healthy distance between their work and home online identities, two Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center physicians assert.

Writing for the Annals of Internal Medicine's April 19 Ideas and Opinions section, physicians Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA and Bradley H....

TechAndComputer (Apr. 18, 2011) — With...

Older workers benefit from high-tech, high-touch health promotion

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TechAndComputer (Apr. 14, 2011) — Older workers benefit most from a modest health behavior program when it combines a web-based risk assessment with personal coaching.

University of Illinois at Chicago researchers conducted a randomized trial to evaluate two worksite wellness interventions assessing older workers' health behaviors and outcomes. The findings are available online and will be published in an upcoming issue of the American Journal of...

TechAndComputer (Apr. 14, 2011) — Older...