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'Quantum computer' a stage closer with silicon breakthrough

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TechAndComputer (June 23, 2010) — The remarkable ability of an electron to exist in two places at once has been controlled in the most common electronic material -- silicon -- for the first time. The research findings -- published in Nature by a UK-Dutch team from the University of Surrey, UCL (University College) London, Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, and the FOM Institute for Plasma Physics near Utrecht -- marks a significant step...

TechAndComputer (June 23, 2010) — The remarkable ability of an electron to exist in two places at once has been controlled in the most common electronic material -- silicon -- for the first time. The research findings -- published in Nature by a UK-Dutch team from the University of Surrey, UCL...

Scientists strive to replace silicon with graphene on nanocircuitry

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TechAndComputer (June 14, 2010) — Scientists have made a breakthrough toward creating nanocircuitry on graphene, widely regarded as the most promising candidate to replace silicon as the building block of transistors. They have devised a simple and quick one-step process based on thermochemical nanolithography (TCNL) for creating nanowires, tuning the electronic properties of reduced graphene oxide on the nanoscale and thereby allowing it to...

TechAndComputer (June 14, 2010) — Scientists...

New graphene-based electronics could take a page out of the silicon electronics book

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TechAndComputer (June 2, 2010) — An organic molecule that has been found to be effective in making silicon-based electronics may be viable for building electronics on sheets of carbon only a single molecule thick. Researchers at the Max Plank Institute for Metals Research in Stuttgart report the advance in a paper appearing online in the journal Physical Review B on June 1.

Ultrathin carbon layers known as graphene show promise as the basis for a...

TechAndComputer (June 2, 2010) — An...

Electron ‘spin’ in silicon will lead to revolutionary quantum chips

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TechAndComputer (May 27, 2010) — A silicon-based nanoscale system which aims to harness the 'spin' of electrons to boost the processing power of future computer systems is being developed by researchers at the University of Southampton, jointly with the University of Cambridge, the NTT Basic Research Laboratories and the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory.

The three-year project, which has just received funding of £1M from the Engineering and Physical...

TechAndComputer (May 27, 2010) — A...

Bizarre matter could find use in quantum computers

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TechAndComputer (Apr. 22, 2010) — There are enticing new findings in the search for materials that support fault-tolerant quantum computing. New results from Rice University and Princeton University indicate that a bizarre state of matter that acts like a particle with one-quarter electron charge also has a "quantum registry" that is immune to information loss from external perturbations.

The research appeared online April 21 in Physical Review...

TechAndComputer (Apr. 22, 2010) — There...