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Video Games

Getting to the heart of the appeal of video games

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TechAndComputer (Aug. 3, 2011) — People spend 3 billion hours a week playing videogames but little is known scientifically about why they are actually fun in the first place. The vast majority of research into videogames has concentrated on the possible harmful effects of playing videogames, ignoring the simple question of why people actually want to play them.

But new research led by scientists at the University of Essex sheds some light on the...

TechAndComputer (Aug. 3, 2011) — People spend 3 billion hours a week playing videogames but little is known scientifically about why they are actually fun in the first place. The vast majority of research into videogames has concentrated on the possible harmful effects of playing...

Rock-paper-scissors players are natural copycats

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TechAndComputer (July 20, 2011) — Players of the game rock paper scissors subconsciously copy each other's hand shapes, significantly increasing the chance of the game ending in a draw, according to new research.

A study published July 20 in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B shows that even when players lose out by drawing a game, they can't help themselves from copying the hand gestures of their opponent.

In an experiment researchers...

TechAndComputer (July 20, 2011) — Players of...

Kinder, gentler video games may actually be good for players

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TechAndComputer (June 6, 2011) — While violent video games may lead to more aggression and anger in players, a new study shows that the opposite is also true: relaxing video games can make people happier and more kind.

"With all the evidence about the dangers of violent video games, it's good to know that game players can choose games that will provide a positive experience," said Brad Bushman, co-author of the study and professor of...

TechAndComputer (June 6, 2011) — While violent video...

Violent video games reduce brain response to violence and increase aggressive behavior, study suggests

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TechAndComputer (May 26, 2011) — Scientists have known for years that playing violent video games causes players to become more aggressive. The findings of a new University of Missouri (MU) study provide one explanation for why this occurs: the brains of violent video game players become less responsive to violence, and this diminished brain response predicts an increase in aggression.

"Many researchers have believed that becoming desensitized to...

TechAndComputer (May 26, 2011) —...

Children experience wrist and finger pain when using gaming devices and mobile phones over time, study suggests

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TechAndComputer (May 26, 2011) — For the first time, results on the impact of gaming devices on finger and wrist pain in children were presented May 25 at the EULAR 2011 Annual Congress. Data comparing two schools in the USA demonstrate that young children experience high levels of pain following long term use of gaming devices and mobile phones indicating that excessive gaming may negatively impact on joint health.

The study, involving 257...

TechAndComputer (May 26, 2011) — For the...